D'Augubio palace is located in the very heart of Diocletian's palace, in the main street called Cardo, northwest from the Peristyle. An immigrant merchant, later a nobleman, by the name of Giovanni Battista D'Augubio (Deugubio, Da Gubio, Daugubio, Dagubio) had the palace built in the second half of the 15th century. The family coat-of-arms is to be found in the portal's lunette, on the south loggia's capital and in the first capital of the entrance portico. In the 19th century, the palace came into possession of the Ivellio family from Split and was named accordingly, while among the locals it was better known as St George because of the figurehead which, together with other war trophies owned by the family, used to stand in the courtyard.

The palace was built on the spot of earlier Romanesque houses, whose openings are still preserved in the interior of the palace. In 2006, during reconstruction and restoration works, a fresco was discovered in the Romanesque lunette of the apartment's portal, showing peacocks drinking water, framed by a black rope moulding. This is one of rare Romanesque frescoes found in the secular, residential architecture. Given the rarity of the finding and its good state of preservation, it represents an important remnant of Romanesque mural painting.

The edifice belongs to the type of late Gothic Venetian palace with certain variations attributed to the circle of the master George of Dalmatia (Juraj Dalmatinac) and his Split craftsman workshop. There are numerous architectural and decorative remains attesting to George's workshop: monumental courtyard portal with a lunette, northern courtyard loggia, staircase with a supporting arch, double-arched loggia on the third floor of the courtyard-facing façade and two rectangular windows with Gothic frames in the ground floor. Some parts of the palace, such as the portico with the columns reachable by the courtyard staircase, were completed in the Renaissance style. The palace has undergone remodelling in the Baroque style as well, best evident in the courtyard façade with the balconies. A single-flight staircase leads from the courtyard to the entrance portico whose free-standing Renaissance columns boast decorated bases and capitals with leaf volutes and rosettes in the middle, and a flat architrave instead of Gothic-Renaissance arches. The characteristic big hall was located on the first floor and was later divided into several smaller rooms. The courtyard loggias were subsequently walled up. The mortar has recently been removed from the south loggia, and the north one, which has been opened up again, got a door. At the same time, for the needs of the shop, the south loggia was merged with the ground floor of the neighbouring palace. Back in 1830, two round wells were still standing in the courtyard, but only one has been preserved, with no decoration.

The courtyard portal was executed following the design of the Papalic palace portal in Split. The door frames have capitals with dense leaves rolled up into volutes. Apart from the interior moulding and the external chess board, the central area is decorated in grape leaves and clusters hanging on the branches springing out of dragons' throats. The central and the external area are carried over onto a flat lintel with the engraved name of the first owner: "BATTISTE. DEVGVBIO". The central place in the lunette is given to the coat-of-arms with two slant ribbons, surrounded by radially arranged fleshy leaves. Above the coat-of-arms is a long-necked bird above which stands a scroll with the engraved words: "DE. PIIV.DVRI.OROSI". The portal ends with a floral ornament.

D'Augubio Palace, although rebuilt in the Baroque style, is according to its typology and spatial organization an example of the representative late Gothic residential architecture of the second half of the 15th century attributed to the circle around George of Dalmatia.